Created by Ken Kawasaki with illustrations by Yū Furusawa, "Oi! Tonbo" first appeared in the August 2014 edition of "Weekly Golf Digest". Since then, it has resonated deeply with readers, securing its status as a marquee series. This groundbreaking golf manga transcends the sport, engaging golf enthusiasts and novices alike with its compelling narrative and characters. The series is celebrated for its unprecedented approach to the world of golf manga, ensuring that anyone who reads it becomes instantly hooked. The series continues to thrive, with its 48th volume currently enjoying widespread acclaim!
Next Club Meeting: December 14, 2024, at the Fountaindale Public Library in Bolingbrook from 11:00 am - 5:00 pm
The Animatrix Network is an anime & manga fan club located in the Southwest suburbs of Chicago, Illinois. We usually meet on the third Saturday of each month (except when holidays or conventions coincide). The meetings are free and open to the public. Join us for a day filled with anime.
This site provides news, reviews, commentaries, and previews of the world of anime and everything it inspires, such as live-action films, comics, music, art, and other weird things to enjoy and contemplate.
The Animatrix Network is an anime & manga fan club located in the Southwest suburbs of Chicago, Illinois. We usually meet on the third Saturday of each month (except when holidays or conventions coincide). The meetings are free and open to the public. Join us for a day filled with anime.
This site provides news, reviews, commentaries, and previews of the world of anime and everything it inspires, such as live-action films, comics, music, art, and other weird things to enjoy and contemplate.
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