Next Club Meeting: February 22, 2025, at the Fountaindale Public Library in Bolingbrook from 11:00 am - 5:00 pm

The Animatrix Network is an anime & manga fan club located in the Southwest suburbs of Chicago, Illinois. We usually meet on the third Saturday of each month (except when holidays or conventions coincide). The meetings are free and open to the public. Join us for a day filled with anime.

This site provides news, reviews, commentaries, and previews of the world of anime and everything it inspires, such as live-action films, comics, music, art, and other weird things to enjoy and contemplate.

Monday, November 30, 2020

David Prowse, Who Played Darth Vader, Dies at 85

(July 1, 1935 - November 28, 2020)
 'Star Wars' actor David Prowse, who played
Darth Vader in original movies, dies at 85
[Source: Arcamax] David Prowse, the celebrated bodybuilder and film star who provided the hulking, imposing frame of Darth Vader as the original actor to play the iconic "Star Wars" villain, has died. He was 85.

The English actor's death was announced by his agency Sunday morning.

"It's with great regret and heart-wrenching sadness for us and (millions) of fans around the world, to announce that our client DAVE PROWSE M.B.E. has passed away at the age of 85," Bowington Management shared in a tweet.

Agent Thomas Bowington told NBC News that Prowse died following a short battle with an illness, which was not disclosed.

The 6-foot-7 Prowse gave the brooding physical performance of Vader in the original trilogy of "Star Wars" movies, while James Earl Jones did the voice for the mask-wearing, armored character.

Prowse's face is never seen in the "Star Wars" films in which he appeared: "A New Hope" (1977), "The Empire Strikes Back" (1980) and "Return of the Jedi" (1983). A moment showing Vader remove his helmet in "Return of the Jedi" saw actor Sebastian Shaw briefly portray the redeemed Sith lord.

But Prowse's legacy looms large as the first actor to embody what many consider the greatest movie villain of all time.

"So sad to hear David Prowse has passed," tweeted Mark Hamill, who plays Luke Skywalker in the "Star Wars" films. "He was a kind man & much more than Darth Vader. Actor-Husband-Father-Member of the Order of the British Empire-3 time British Weightlifting Champion & Safety Icon the Green Cross Code Man. He loved his fans as much as they loved him."

Anthony Daniels, who portrays C-3PO, commemorated Prowse's impact on the "Star Wars" franchise.

"More sad news," Daniels tweeted. "Dave has gone. I don't think 3PO ever faced Vader's mighty presence on set, other than as a bag of bits on Chewie's shoulders in the carbon freezer. But Dave's iconic figure dominated the finished film in '77 and has done so ever since. And will continue to do so."

Before his acting career took off, Prowse was a British weightlifting champion who also worked with celebrities as a trainer. He famously helped Christopher Reeve get ready for the title role in 1978's "Superman."

Although he was best known for Vader, the Bristol-born Prowse racked up dozens of acting credits during an entertainment career that spanned decades, including playing Julian the bodyguard in "A Clockwork Orange."

From 1971 to 1980, Prowse portrayed the superhero Green Cross Man in a United Kingdom campaign to promote pedestrian road safety.

Prowse was later the subject of a 2015 documentary about his life and career titled "I Am Your Father."

"Incredibly sad to hear Dave Prowse has passed," tweeted Billy Dee Williams, who plays Lando Calrissian in the "Star Wars" films. "It was a great gift to work with him and an honor to call him my friend." 

Sunday, November 29, 2020

Sirius the Jaeger [AMV] - Wolves

Sirius the Jaeger (Japanese: 天狼 (シリウス) Sirius the Jaeger Hepburn: Shiriusu Shiriusu za Yēgā) is a Japanese original anime television series produced by P.A.Works. The series is directed by Masahiro Ando and premiered on July 12, 2018. 
In 1930, a group of Vampires leave China and flee to Japan. They are followed by a group of vampire hunters called "Jaegers" under the cover of being staff of the "V Shipping Company". Among them is a young "Sirius" man called Yuliy, a werewolf whose home village was destroyed by "Vampires". In the past, a member of the Sirius royal family was chosen by oracle to be the agent of God and permitted to possess a mysterious holy relic known as "The Ark of Sirius" which, as a gift from God, could exert power over all things. Because of its potential the Sirius people came under attack from groups seeking its power so it was sealed away in a secret location, never to be used again. Yuliy and the Jaegers engage in a deadly battle with the Vampires for possession of the relic.  

Saturday, November 28, 2020

Tales of Alethrion - "Thug's Life"

Tales of Alethrion - "Thug's Life"
Thug's Life tells the story of the gang leader Mira, the disco fighting dancer Uruth and the Rallok frog Zit. We also hear learn more about Bruhn and get Tira introduced. I thought it would be a good idea to upload the full episode before the release of Daughter's Revenge later this year - since this is an important backstory. Thanks for watching or re-watching!

Friday, November 27, 2020

LITTLE NEMO: Adventures in Slumberland

Adventures in Slumberland

A young boy whose dreams transcend reality is sucked into his own fantasy, which is everything he has dreamed of until he unleashes a century old secret that may not only destroy this perfect dream world but reality itself.

Thursday, November 26, 2020

Happy Thanksgiving!

Wishing You a Safe and Healthy
Holiday Season with Family and Friends
"Why is Woodstock eating another bird?"
"There’s not a day in all the year
But holds some hidden pleasure,
And looking back, joys oft appear
To brim the past’s wide measure.
But blessings are like friends, I hold,
Who love and labor near us.
We ought to raise our notes of praise
While living hearts can hear us."
- "Thanksgiving"                   
From All of Us at the

Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Relive the Beautiful Songs of the Tangled TV series!

Rapunzel's Tangled Adventure
With the wind in your hair, check out all the best music from Rapunzel's Tangled Adventure!
Songs Included: 
Life After Happily Ever After 
Wind in My Hair 
Next Stop Anywhere 
Waiting in the Wings 
Waiting in the Wings Reprise 
Crossing the Line

Catch all of the greatest musical hits from Rapunzel's Tangled Adventures here:

After being on the road for months, Rapunzel returns to Corona where she assumes the role of temporary queen, and must deal with the looming threat of her friend-turned-enemy, Cassandra.

Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Onmyoji Demonic Feast

While crowds gather and celebrate at a lively festival a demonic feast for numerous demons and spirits is about to commence! The Demonship once again rises from the sea mist, the Lord of the sea Suzuka Gozen joins the feast held by the Demon King as the ultimate guest. As dark clouds shroud the moon's luminescence Ungaikyo uses his power to shape the future. What fate will Ungaikyo reveal? 

Monday, November 23, 2020

Tales of Alethrion - "The Reward"

Tales of Alethrion - "The Reward"
In the small village of Tohan, the young boy Wilhelm is wasting his life on everyday business. Suddenly a glorious hero rides by him. As the boy watches the knight in total admiration the hero accidentally drops a treasure map. Wilhelm picks it up, but sees that another boy, Vito, has also claimed the map. They rip the map into two pieces by accident and end up with one part each. With a half each, they are forced to travel after the treasure on an epic quest together, in hope of becoming as glorious as the hero...

Sunday, November 22, 2020

Steven Universe - End of an Era

Why Steven Universe's Ending Was
RUSHED By Cartoon Network
If you felt the ending of the original Steven Universe was fast-paced, it was. They were only giving 6 episodes to wrap up things. That's the story we're going to unpack.
▶ Watch the Video

The conclusion of Steven Universe proper with the Era 3 arc and Change Your Mind has left a lot of mixed reactions in the time since the animated series as a whole wrapped up with Steven Universe the Movie and Steven Universe Future. Many people felt the finale of the original series was rushed - and it was, but why? Well, thanks to the new art book End of an Era, we're able to piece together the bigger picture. So let's dive in to why the Ruby and Sapphire wedding, Reunited, ended up serving as a huge risk for Rebecca Sugar, the original "cancellation" for the show by Cartoon Network and the habits of the show's episodic nature in general. Why Steven changing the minds of Yellow Diamond, Blue Diamond and White Diamond may have felt too fast. This is why Steven Universe's Ending was RUSHED by Cartoon Network!

Saturday, November 21, 2020

CGI Animated Short Film: "Shim Chung"

"Shim Chung" by Kepler Studio
Based on the traditional story of the same name. The story of Shim Chung, the daughter of a poor blind farmer. The peasant signs a deal with a monk to deliver 300 sacks of rice in return of his sight, but is unable to deliver the goods. Shim Chung agrees to be sacrificed to the God of the Sea on behalf of sailors who need to appease the deity. She is thrown into the sea and meets the god who praises her for her filial piety. Shim Chong returns to the surface inside a giant lotus that fishermen take to the king of the land. The king falls in love with her and helps her find her desperate father who has gone missing by organizing a feast for all the blind people in the kingdom.

Friday, November 20, 2020

Wakfu Season 3 AMV FIGHT

WAKFU: The Animated Series
Wakfu: The Animated Series is a anime-influenced French animated television series produced by Ankama Animation, based on the video game Wakfu. The first season of 26 episodes began airing on 30 October 2008, and new episodes would continue to air into January 2010 on France 3. The show is animated with Adobe Flash software; all the production is done in France except the special episodes "Noximilien l'Horloger" and "Ogrest, la Légende", both produced in Japan. The series is directed by Anthony "Tot" Roux, and character design is directed by Xavier "Xa" Houssin and Kim "Tcho" Etinoff.
Yugo is a 12-year-old Eliatrope who recently discovered his powers, and is on a mission to find his true family. He has lived with his adoptive father Banana, working alongside him at his inn, and has no memories of his real family. He has the ability to summon teleportation portals by rotating his hand in a circular motion and throwing them to where he would like to appear. As the series progresses, he learns other abilities, such as moving at high speeds and creating beams from his portals. Near the end of Season Two, it's revealed that he is the King of the Eliatropes. In the Special Episodes following the second season, Yugo is shown to have not aged in 6 years since the quest of the Crimson Claws, a fact that depresses him as he wishes to be able to court Amalia, but fears that his childlike appearance would hinder any chance of a serious relationship with her. The finale shows Yugo is able to utilize the 6 Eliatrope Dofus to attain godly power in an effort to defeat Ogrest but doing so costs him his brother's friendship and nearly destroys the world. 
In Season 3, it is shown that Yugo and Ruel have been trying to find Adamaï everywhere, to no avail. When Adamaï, using their psychic link, shows Yugo the seeming death of Percedal, Yugo rushes to help his friend, still unable to believe his brother could be capable of such evil. It's later revealed that his actions later brought about the birth of the season's antagonist, Oropo, who is an evil counterpart of Yugo. During the final battle with Oropo, joined by Percedal and a now realized Adamaï, he and his friends are last seen in the realm of the gods. Yugo is Elely & Flopin's surrogate big brother. 

Thursday, November 19, 2020

November 21, 2020, Meeting CANCELLED

Saturday, November 21, 2020
[Meeting Room Closed Due to Coronavirus]
New government restrictions have been issued
and we are forced to cancel this month's meeting.
The December meeting is in question as well.
We will keep everyone appraised of the situation.
Meantime, get Netflix and Amazon Prime and
binge-watch a ton of sci-fi shows.
We highly recommend the following:
TRON Uprising
Blood of Zeus
Lovecraft Country
Dragon Prince
The Boys
DC's Stargirl
Altered Carbon
Stranger Things
Over the Moon
Tales of Arcadia
Avatar: The Last Airbender
The Hollow
KIPO and the Age of Wonderbeasts
The Little Prince
Gnome Alone
The Guardian Brothers
Next Gen
Fountaindale Public Library
300 W Briarcliff Rd
Bolingbrook, IL 60440
Board Room, Second Floor

11:00 AM - 5:00 PM
"Its Corona! Keep away!"

Wednesday, November 18, 2020

CGI Animated Short Film: "The Box Assassin"

The Box Assassin
The Box Assassin is a short film about a pizza delivery boy's unforgettable night of running into a slick, legendary assassin that defeats his enemies in clever ways you couldn’t imagine.

Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Anime Viewing Schedule for November 21, 2020

 A N I M A T R I X   N E T W O R K
Saturday, November 21, 2020
Fountaindale Public Library
            11:15 - 12:05   Deca-Dence 7-8
            12:05 - 12:55   Keep Your Hands Off Eizouken! 7-8
            12:55 - 1:30     Club Meeting / Announcements
            1:30 - 2:20       Re:ZERO - Starting Life in 
                                       Another World S2 ep 5-6
            2:20 - 3:10       Vinland Saga 6-7

            3:10 - 4:40       White Snake [CGI Movie]

Fountaindale Public Library
300 W. Briarcliff Road
Bolingbrook, IL 60440
Meeting Room A, First Floor

From 11:15 AM to 5:00 PM

All anime presented are fan-subtitled unless otherwise noted.
Don't miss the exciting anime series: Deca-Dence and Vinland Saga

Monday, November 16, 2020

The Tragedy of Droids in Star Wars

It’s not really a Star Wars story unless there’s a lovable or memorable droid stealing the spotlight. But, when you really stop and think about it, there’s also something profoundly tragic about the role artificial lifeforms play in the Star Wars universe.

Sunday, November 15, 2020

Gojira - Another World [OFFICIAL VIDEO]

A N O T H E R   W O R L D
Gojira's official video for 'Another World', available now on Roadrunner Records:
We mock and slaughter all the purest kinds
Blinded by the noise and maze, this flash in our eyes
Hope for the world but prepare for the worst
I’d rather find a way on my own

Another world, another place to be
Other world, a new place for me

Don’t believe your lies, don’t believe your tales
I’m longing for the day I will find…

Another world, another place to be
Other world, a new place for me

Another world, another place to be
Other world, a new place for me

Saturday, November 14, 2020

Next Club Meeting is November 21, 2020

 A N I M A T R I X   N E T W O R K
Okay if I hitch a ride to the next meeting?
M O N T H L Y   M E E T I N G

Fountaindale Public Library
300 W. Briarcliff Road
Bolingbrook, IL  60440
Meeting Room A (1st Floor)
Saturday, November 21, 2020
11:15 AM - 5:00 PM
We will be in the large MEETING ROOM A on the
First Floor. At this time, masks will be required.
There can be only one person per desk (in order to
keep that 6 foot distance from each other).
The maximum number of people allowed
in the room is TEN, so please 
arrive early to claim your seat.


In order to help protect patrons and staff, and in adherence with the state of Illinois’ Phase 4 meeting room guidelines, we ask that you please adhere to the following requirements when visiting the library:

  1. Wear a face covering or mask at all times.
  2. Maintain social distancing of at least six feet apart.
  3. Wash your hands and/or use hand sanitizer often.
  4. No food or drink inside the library (Please note, the water fountains are turned off, and Brooks Cafe is not open at this time.)
  5. Staff will wipe down furniture and equipment with disinfectant between groups.
  6. Reduced capacities and availability for meeting spaces. One person per table. There will be limited seating.
  7. If you feel sick or have a high temperature, please use common sense and stay at home. 

Hope to see everyone there!

A Viewing Schedule will be posted soon.
Hope to see you all there!

(Click below for maps)

Friday, November 13, 2020

The GHOSTBUSTERS Backlot Movie Coaster!

Ride the 1984 Classic GHOSTBUSTERS Movie Ride with the High-Speed thrills of this one of a kind Roller Coaster Experience! It's a 12 minute journey that will take you through all the classic scenes from the movie along with all the guys, Slimer and Stay Puft Marshmallow Man. Complete audio track and special effects are all part of the fun! So if you're ready, hit the play button and strap in! Are you afraid of ghosts?

Thursday, November 12, 2020

"Pork Chop" - by Katherine Guggenberger

TheCGBros Presents "Pork Chop" by Katherine Guggenberger - A severed pig’s head becomes conscious, finding himself in a deli shop with a terrifying butcher. In order to escape, the pig’s head must assemble a new body out of the parts of other animals he finds in the shop’s meat freezer.

Wednesday, November 11, 2020

[Encanto] KAYARA Disney Official Teaser

In the oldest culture of the American continent (PERU) lives a beautiful Inca princess (Kayara) who dreams of breaking into the male-only group of Chasqui Inca messengers. Directed by Cesar Zelada. 
In theaters December 1, 2022