Next Club Meeting: February 22, 2025, at the Fountaindale Public Library in Bolingbrook from 11:00 am - 5:00 pm

The Animatrix Network is an anime & manga fan club located in the Southwest suburbs of Chicago, Illinois. We usually meet on the third Saturday of each month (except when holidays or conventions coincide). The meetings are free and open to the public. Join us for a day filled with anime.

This site provides news, reviews, commentaries, and previews of the world of anime and everything it inspires, such as live-action films, comics, music, art, and other weird things to enjoy and contemplate.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Stuff Coming to North America

New Releases
cerealgeek issue 8 is now available for pre-order

Issue eight continues the theme from the previous issue showcasing the many animated movies of the eighties; both series-based and studio-produced. The numerous five-part stories that featured in many cartoons of the eighties are addressed in this issue. The He-Man and She-Ra movie The Secret of The Sword receives an in-depth article, including never-before-seen development artwork. Akira, one of the biggest and most noteworthy pieces of anime, is covered. Learn how one of the most violent live action movies of the eighties RoboCop was turned into a Saturday morning cartoon. Other shows covered include BraveStarr, MASK, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, The Real Ghostbusters, The Transformers, ThunderCats, and many more!


New releases include

Running Time: 300 min.
Age Rating: TV 14 (V, D)
Language: Japanese with English Subtitles
UPC: 814131010414
Published by: Sentai Filmworks
Distributed by: Section23 Films
Street Date: 1/18/2011
Format: DVD
SRP: $49.98
SYNOPSIS: Waking up transformed into a beautiful girl might be the stuff of some guys' fantasies, but when the suddenly effeminatized Natsuru is informed by a stuffed tiger that he's now a Kämpfer, a mystical fighter who has to fight other Kämpfers in female form, his life becomes a living nightmare! Putting aside the obvious "plumbing" issues, Natusru's best childhood friend turns out to swing the other way and SHE has a crush on his new female body. Not complex enough? Natsuru's school has separate sections for boys and girls, so he and she are now double enrolled. The rumor-mill has it that he's dating herself. And there are other Kämpfers attending the school who want to take her out, and he's not sure which ones mean "on a date" and which ones mean "permanently." Oh, and did we mention that some Kämpfers use SWORDS and GUNS?! Hormones, fists and other body parts will fly as the daring, new gender-blender defender must become a contender or die in KÄMPFER! - The Complete Series!

April releases include
Published by: Sentai Filmworks
Distributed by: Section23 Films
Run Time: 600 min.
Street Date: 4/5/2011
Format: DVD
Language: Japanese with English Subtitles
SRP: $59.98
SYNOPSIS: Until she was six, Hikari was always the best at everything she did. Right up until the moment she challenged Kei to a wrestling match and HE won. Ever since that wretched day, Hikari's entire life has been structured around beating Kei at SOMETHING, but try as she might, she always seems to come up just short! Now, a decade later, he's the top student and athlete at their very exclusive high school and she's STILL second best at everything. Or is she? What Hikari's never noticed, even as she's dedicated her entire life to somehow one-upping Kei, is that he's actually in love with her! And that's only the beginning of the ridiculously convoluted web of relationships that ties the elite group of students who go by the name of the Special A together! Get ready for spring flings, split personalities and social (dys) functions galore as boy meets girl turns into boy beats girl in SPECIAL A - THE COMPLETE COLLECTION!!

Published by: Sentai Filmworks
Distributed by: Section23 Films
Run Time: 300 min.
Street Date: 4/12/2011
Format: DVD
Language: Japanese with English Subtitles
SRP: $59.98
SYNOPSIS: Adam Arklight and his band of super-hotties are ready to take over the world, but not if the macho, mutant hero Blade has anything to say about it. Still, it's tough when your opponents are ridiculously cute girls in really sexy school uniforms. But with this much at stake maybe even Blade can keep his mind on the job and his eyes on the prize. (Yeah, right.) If you're looking for most action-packed and wackiest comedy anime adventure this year, you just found what you need - Needless!

Published by: Sentai Filmworks
Distributed by: Section23 Films
Run Time: 300 min.
Street Date: 4/12/2011
Format: BD
Language: English & Japanese with English Subtitles
SRP: $69.98

Clannad: After Story
Published by: Sentai Filmworks
Distributed by: Section23 Films
Run Time: 625 min.
Street Date: 4/19/2011
Format: DVD
Language: English & Japanese with English Subtitles
SRP: $69.98
SYNOPSIS: A few months have passed since Tomoya declared his love to Nagisa. Now their relationship is entering a new phase, and neither is quite sure where it will take them. As their friends move on to lives of their own, Tomoya and Nagisa get ready to start a family of their own. But Nagisa's health has always been precarious, and an event that should bring nothing but joy delivers tragedy instead. Now Tomoya must learn to accept the bitter with the sweet and to understand that the most important thing is to hold onto love, no matter what. Don't miss the heartbreak and triumph of the masterful conclusion to one of the most beloved anime series ever in CLANNAD AFTER STORY!

Asylum Session
Published by: Sentai Filmworks
Distributed by: Section23 Films
Run Time: 65 min.
Street Date: 4/26/2011
Format: DVD
Language: Japanese with English Subtitles
SRP: $19.98
SYNOPSIS: In a world where civilization has run its course, where the mechanics of society have failed, a chosen few are still born with the ability to dream. Forced to run when her father blocks her visions of becoming an artist, Hiyoko finds herself drawn into a strange tent city set up in the ruins of an abandoned stadium, a place the residents call The Asylum. It is in this shadow community, were she meets other gifted youth, including the mysterious Akira, that she finds herself and her purpose. When profiteering officials and police plot to tear the Asylum down, destroying their last sanctuary, Hiyoko and the other refuges choose to fight back rather than flee. But rather than resort to weapons, their unexpected challenge is to create a street festival, using art and culture to win the hearts of the people: a festival they call the Asylum Session.

VIZ Media
Arina Tanemura’s MISTRESS FORTUNE will be released on February 1st. The new single-volume story will be published under the company’s Shojo Beat imprint, is rated ‘T’ for Teens, and will carry an MSRP of $9.99 U.S. / $12.99 CAN.

Fourteen-year-old Kisaki Tachibana has psychic powers. She works for PSI, a secret government agency that fights aliens. She's in love with her partner Giniro, but PSI won't allow operatives to get involved. Just when Kisaki thinks she may be getting closer to Giniro, she finds out she's going to be transferred to California!

The prose Haikasoru label has released Tow Ubukata's Mardock Scramble.

Why me? It was to be the last thought a young prostitute, Rune-Balot, would ever a human anyway. Taken in by a devious gambler named Shell, she became a slave to his cruel desires and would have been killed by his hand if not for the self-aware All-Purpose Tool (and little yellow mouse) known as Oeufcoque. Now a cyborg, Balot is not only nigh-invulnerable, but has the ability to disrupt electrical systems of all sorts. But even these powers may not be enough for Balot to deal with Shell, who offloads his memories to remain above the law, the immense assassin Dimsdale-Boiled, or the neon-noir streets of Mardock City itself.

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