AZUREUS is an intergalactic warrior who uses special technology to navigate a series of parallel worlds controlled by a sinister enemy. A quest for revenge evolves into a world-bending journey that will leave the fate of the realm in the balance. Who "AZUREUS" is and what he looks like under the mask will be an ongoing mystery throughout the series and video games. AZUREUS is a very atypical protagonist, especially when it comes to animation.
AZUREUS is an intergalactic warrior who uses special technology to navigate a series of parallel worlds controlled by a sinister enemy. A quest for revenge evolves into a world-bending journey that will leave the fate of the realm in the balance. Who "AZUREUS" is and what he looks like under the mask will be an ongoing mystery throughout the series and video games. AZUREUS is a very atypical protagonist, especially when it comes to animation.
We are developing an insane 3D meets 2D combat-based side scroller for mobile, PC, and console. The game is directly linked to the global AZUREUS world and the series. We will take full advantage of the combat elements and unique world and story aspects of Azueus. It's going to look super flashy and be very fast-paced and fluid. I promise you this game is going to take the side-scrolling combat genre to new territory. Wait till you see how dope this thing is going to look and play.
We are developing an insane 3D meets 2D combat-based side scroller for mobile, PC, and console. The game is directly linked to the global AZUREUS world and the series. We will take full advantage of the combat elements and unique world and story aspects of Azueus. It's going to look super flashy and be very fast-paced and fluid. I promise you this game is going to take the side-scrolling combat genre to new territory. Wait till you see how dope this thing is going to look and play.
- David Weinstein
AZUREUS Creator / Producer
AZUREUS Creator / Producer
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