This animated series follows a group of gamers as they compete in the first-ever neural reality battle-royale game, named "Ruin." However, a malicious virus appears and transforms their utopia into a hellish reality...
In the near-future tech dystopia of San Francisco, the Tournament of Ruin is about to debut a brand new fully immersive technology – Neural Reality! Lee wins the opportunity to join the ranks of 100 of the world’s best gamers competing in a team battle-royale.
Lee is in way over his head, and no one knows that there’s something inside the game – something brutal and murderous– something that is hunting them one by one.
It’s like the game is haunted somehow. There’s a secret here that runs much deeper than anyone suspects. The dream quickly turns into a nightmare when the players mysteriously lose their ability to log out. Lee and company must survive long enough to crack the secrets of Neural Reality before they lose their minds and become the ghosts of Ruin.
Coming soon!
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