Bravest Warriors is an American animated series. Set on-wards from the year 3085, it follows four teenage heroes-for-hire as they warp through the universe to save adorable aliens and their worlds using the power of their emotions.
- Time Slime - Episode 1: 0:03 - 5:15
- Emotion Lord - Episode 2: 5:17 - 10:31
- Butter Lettuce - Episode 3: 10:42 - 15:58
- Memory Donk - Episode 4: 16:00 - 21:20
- The Bunless - Episode 5: 21:31 - 27:09
- LavaRinth - Episode 6: 27:12 - 33:33
- Gas Powered Stick - Episode 7: 33:55 - 39:27
- Dan Before Time - Episode 8: 39:30 - 44:27
- SugarBellies - Episode 9: 44:45 - 51:37
- Cereal Master - Episode 10: 51:40 - 57:15
- Ultra Wankershim - Episode 11: 57:33 - 1:03:26
- Cat Bug - Episode 12: 1:03:29 - 1:10:15
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