Shinryaku! Ika Musume - Translation: "Invasion! Squid Girl"
This is an instant fan favorite. Kawaii and funny. Watch the anime to find out for yourself.
Angered by the pollution in the seas, a squid girl named Ika Musume
comes from the sea and declares the invasion of Earth at a nearby
yakisoba stand, but isn't taken seriously due to her small stature. When
she goes to plead her case, she is mistaken for a waitress, which puts
the responsibility of invading the world into perspective. When she
breaks a hole in the store with her tentacles trying to hit a mosquito,
the store manager, Eiko Aizawa, puts her to work in order to pay for the
damages. Later, Ika meets Eiko's little brother, Takeru, who goes to
great lengths to pretend to be a squidperson so he can be Ika's comrade.
During a rainy day where there are few customers, Ika takes the
opportunity to try and take over the stand, but is overpowered by the
eldest sister, Chizuru. As punishment, Ika is forced to use her own ink
to make Squid Ink Spaghetti, which becomes popular. [Source: Wikipedia]
(Squid Girl tries to swat a mosquito)
Watch the first episode!
Episode One - Part One of Two
Episode One - Part Two of Two
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