Kyousogiga (京騒戯画) is an original net animation created by Izumi Todo and produced by Toei Animation in collaboration with Banpresto. The animation was released on Nico Nico Douga on December 6, 2011, followed by a release on Youtube on December 10, 2011. On March 4th, 2012, it was confirmed by Kazuki Yao that there is more Kyousogiga on the way. Five additional episodes will be streamed between August 31, 2012 and December 22, 2012.
Koto and her brothers, A and Un are stuck in a strange city causing massive mayhem through the land called Kyoto but not the Kyoto they are from. They are searching for an atypical rabbit in order to return home. Koto, who is the eldest of the three, seems to have some sort of connection to this weird place ruled by a monk, a demon, and a priest.
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