Unicorn: Warriors Eternal is an upcoming American adult animated fantasy television series created by Genndy Tartakovsky for Adult Swim. It was originally produced for Cartoon Network’s ACME Night programming block before moving to Adult Swim. The series will premiere on May 4, 2023, and stream on HBO Max the following day.
Footage of the series was shown at Annecy International Animation Film Festival from June 13–18, 2022. The Annecy website also showed updated character designs. The series was previewed at New York Comic Con on October 9, 2022. This will be another mini-series in the vein of Over the Garden Wall with a total of 10 serialized episodes.
The series follows a team of ancient heroes protecting the world from an
ominous force. Throughout history, unicorns have symbolized the
virtuous, appearing to ensure that goodness reigns. When the reawakening
of our heroes comes too early, they find themselves in the bodies of
teenagers. Damaged as a result, their memories of who they are and the
history of the unicorn over the centuries have been lost, with some of
their magical abilities weakened and fragmented. Not only do they have
to protect the world against the prevailing darkness, but they also have
to do it while navigating the unexpected laughs and humor that come
with teen angst and emotions.
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