Kite Man: Hell Yeah! is an American adult animated black comedy superhero television series based on the DC Comics character Kite Man created by Bill Finger and Dick Sprang. The series stars Matt Oberg, Stephanie Hsu and James Adomian, and follows the adventures of Kite Man and his current girlfriend Golden Glider who have supported the purchase of a local bar named Noonan's.
The series serves as a spin-off of Harley Quinn, where Kite Man was featured as a supporting character and ex-fiancé to Poison Ivy. The first season will consist of ten episodes, with Matt Oberg returning to voice Kite Man. The show is currently running on Max.
The series serves as a spin-off of Harley Quinn, where Kite Man was featured as a supporting character and ex-fiancé to Poison Ivy. The first season will consist of ten episodes, with Matt Oberg returning to voice Kite Man. The show is currently running on Max.
Clip: "So what exactly are Golden Glider's super powers?"
She Kills everything. Hell Yeah!
She Kills everything. Hell Yeah!
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