The Japanese postal service's New Year's card website began streaming a new short movie on Tuesday with animation by Tekken, a comedian famous for emotional flip-book-style anime shorts. The short, titled "Nenga no Kizuna" (New Year's Card Bonds), features musical duo YoshidaYamada's new song "Aitakute."
Text: On a certain morning, abrupt good-byes came around...
Man: After all, Jon...
Woman: Jon is was coming to say good-bye so... Please, take him.
Text: New Year's Day
The video's story comes from greeting card website Nenga Aisatsujo's 6th annual contest, which asks participants to send in their heart-warming New Year's card memories. Sachiyo Okuno wrote the story and won the Japanese Postal Service Award, a new award this year.
Tekken gained famed with Pendulum, a manga "flip book" animation with over 1,620 images he drew by hand. The short depicts the story of a married couple through the years. The animation attracted over 3 million views on YouTube since its initial in release on a Japanese variety show in 2012.
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