‘Ghost Book’ (GHOSTBOOK おばけずかん) is a 2022 Japanese fantasy adventure directed by Takashi Yamazaki. Based on the picture book ‘Obake Zukan’ written by Hiroshi Saito and illustrated by Etsuyoshi Miyamoto, the film revolves around a group of school children who discover a book that leads them to a magical world filled with various ghosts and monsters. The cast includes Kairi Jyo, Fuga Shibazaki, Sonny Mcclendon, Fumika Yoshimura, Ryunosuke Kamiki, and Yui Aragaki.
Synopsis: Sixth-grade elementary school students Kazuki, Taichi, and Sunny have a “wish” they really want to make come true. The boys pray earnestly with their hands at the shrine. Then suddenly, the wish-granting “Ghost Book” gives them a test. Guided by the magic of the book, the boys and their homeroom teacher, Ms. Yohko, wander into a different world where ghosts live. They try to escape through trial and error but it seems that by catching the ghosts and completing the book, their wishes will come true and they will be able to escape from this world. Thus, the five work together and hope to make their wish come true… [Source: JFDB]
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